When i first started this post it WAS New York Fashion Week, since then as you know i got caught up in a jumble of events- including this show. Relief on the Runway is a charity fashion show held bi-annually. I’ve participated twice Alhamdullilah, both times here in NYC and this year was definitely different. This year the show was raising funds to support ICNA RELIEFS Women’s Shelter located here in Jamaica, NY. The fashion show took place on September 6, 2013 on a Friday and was actually listed on the fashion calender!

The days leading up to the event was spent in a studio in midtown Manhattan by the designers, stylist, and producer putting all the looks together. It was an amazing experience and i felt like i was back in my F.I.T. (Fashion Institute of Technology) days.

The day of the show was an enjoyable blur. I began by prepping all my pieces and got my outfit ready. I decided on wearing my Rabia Z. abaya with a milk chocolate brown scarf. I added a faux suede fur vest, ISLAMICGEMS Ith-nain II in noir, and my JustFab heels. Oh and how could i forget my YSL arty ring!

When hubby and i arrived at the venue, everyone was hustling and bustling getting prepped and all setup for the show before the guests started to arrive. We joined right in and started on our displays.

We finished just in time to see the first few guests come strolling in. There was about 30 minutes before the red rope came down and the guest were allowed in. The guests spent this time mingling and meeting with the designers who were being showcased that night. I met some great new people along with old. It is always a pleasure meeting with Sadeel of Sweet Modesty who came with her dear friend Zainab Ismail of Nadoona. I also got to spend some time chatting with Jennifer Swanson from Zink magazine who traveled all the way from Texas.

When the rope came down and the guests entered i took a quick prayer break and followed right behind, getting a seat in the second row. The first row was reserved for V.I.P guests & press. As the show began i was really excited to see ISLAMICGEMS jewelry on the runway. Unfortunately i wasn’t sitting at the proper angle to take a decent picture of the pieces on the models, but i did get backstage in time to get a few shots and my hubby was able to photograph my favorite outfit of the night walking the runway!

Abaya: Rabia Z.
Hijab: Local Find
Vest: Local Find
Shoes: JustFab

After the show backstage was buzzing with excitement, it was great to meet the models and take a few pictures with them & of them! Outside the guests continued to mingle where i met designer Nzinga Knight whom I’ve previously met at a POLY-NYU event. A few purchases were completed, contacts were exchanged, & new friends were made. As the lasts guests left the venue the shoes came off and wrap up began. It was a successful event on many levels. The show was able to raise $21,000 between donations and pledges for ICNA Reliefs Womens Shelter. A cause well deserving of it! I’ve also got some exciting news for the next Relief on the Runway, but I’ll leave that for another post 😉

A little humor below which I would like to leave you with! Enjoy!