Gardening, Spring

Growing Plants From Seeds

Before I even begin my gardening process I look at a hardiness zone map to see which seeds and plants are suitable to my area. No need to put my time and effort into a plant that can’t survive.



Decomposable egg carton
Vermiculite + potting soil



(1) Use a decomposable egg carton to plant your seeds. Place one seed in each hole and cover with equal parts potting mix and vermiculite.


(2) Once all your seeds are covered throughly soak them. Keep it moist until you’re ready to transport them outside. A great tip I received was to keep it in a plastic container to create a green house effect.


(3) Keep it indoors in a warm spot with indirect sunlight. After about 10 days our seedlings (sunflowers) emerged.


(4) After another week our leaves emerged (sunflowers). At this point I would open our window during the day to get the plant used to outside temperatures.

(5) When I was ready to transport them outside I cut each egg square out and took them out to plant.


(6) Dig a hole and place your egg carton square directly into the ground. Cover with dirt and moisten. Now we pray our landscaper doesn’t chop ours off which is what happened last year. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Below i inlcuded a companion gardening picture. You can better help your plants by planting them alongside others that’ll help them thrive!

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