
7 Finds To An Easier Clean + 4 Tips On Keeping That Clean

A continuation of home renovation projects, 3 kids, and weekend hostings means we need to do a lot of cleaning around here. Sharing a few of the things which make my life easier and some even do the cleaning for me so I can get in bedtime cuddles with my girls!



We have the Neato downstairs and an older model of the Roomba upstairs. I can’t even express how much I love our Neato. It covers the entire room not missing a spot, remembers where our furniture is placed, picks up so much dust, and turns on and off using Alexa for days I don’t want to manually turn it on!When wrapping up for the night these vacuums let me go up earlier and clean daily and honestly if I had to do it myself manually this room wouldn’t be getting vacuumed everyday.
1: Neato Robot Vacuum

2: Roomba Robot Vacuum



I’ve got three independent little girls who like to self serve, feed, and practically try to do everything themselves. Their tiny little hands also drop a lot of things and since I don’t want to wait until our nightly robot vacuum to clean it up we invested in a hand vacuum the girls can handle during the day. They use it after breakfast and lunch and also to pick up all that glitter they use on everything they craft.
3: Black and Decker Hand Vacuum



We use the upright shampooer bi annually on our area rugs and seasonally in our eating nook. It cleans up spills and makes the area look brand new. I do want to invest in the hand held shampooer so we don’t have to lug around a bulky cleaner for the smaller areas we clean.
4: Upright Carpet Shampooer

5: Hand Held Carpet Shampooer



For all my other cleaning, counters, appliances, doors, windows, floors, and the unexpected spills I love to use microfiber rags. I use it dry for dusting and moisten it with a little soap and vinegar to clean anything else. Then their is The magic eraser which helps me clean little finger prints from the wall or any stuck on residue in the sinks.
6: Microfiber Rags

7: Magic Eraser


Another thing which helps me keep on top of all the cleaning is the cleaning schedule I created after having my 3rd and boy do I still rely on it daily! Knowing what to do when helps get everything done at some point during the week and is the constant reminder this mom of 3 needs to keep our home decent. Being mindful about a few simple tips can help   you to an easier clean too!

1) Have A Routine:

Use a schedule, create a routine. Giving a dedicated day to a task helps get it done. Every week you know what to expect and end up planning your day/week accordingly. You know it’s laundry day. You’ll take the few free moments you find to throw in a load instead of wondering what should I tackle right now? Next few free moments you’ll dry those clothes because you already have a plan to follow.

2) Clean As You Go:

Cleaning as you go makes following your schedule easier. The more you tackle in the now is the less you have to do later. Having less to do later also makes it less overwhelming.

3) Keep It Simple:

Don’t complicate it. In working towards having a minimal home I’ve brought that into my cleaning as well. Keep the essential cleaning supplies that’ll serve multiple purposes. Create the shortest action plan on getting more done. Cleaning doesn’t need to be an entire separate event. Blend it into your day and it’ll be more likely to get done that way.

4) It’s A Team Effort:

Everyone should be aware of the schedule and help in getting it done. In our home the girls know when mama is making breakfast they are unloading the dishwasher. At night hubby clears the table and family room, I tackle the kitchen, and the girls wipe down the table and pickup their toys. Create a routine and tasks that work for your family and get everyone involved.

Okay so I’m going give you all a homework assignment. Save my blank cleaning schedule and fill it out to work for you. Try it out for a month and see how it goes, you can always make adjustments because it’s your schedule!



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