Homeschooling, Ramadan/Eid

Ramadan Goals 2017

Last year my daughter came up with a list of Ramadan goals she could work on throughout the month. This year i set some goals for her on my own. With a very active toddler at home, we would have gotten zip done if i tried to sit down with her and set some goals.… Read More Ramadan Goals 2017

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Homeschooling, Ramadan/Eid

Ramadan Goals 2016

My daughter came up with a list of Ramadan goals she can work on throughout the month. I helped her refine them into categories that will hopefully make it easier for her to understand the benefit and good that will come from each goal. MONDAYS we will focus on donating something physical. TUESDAYS we will… Read More Ramadan Goals 2016

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DIY, Home, Homeschooling

String Art Hand Print

We’ve been working on a small gallery wall in our girls room and wanted to have some personalized pieces. I’ve been meaning to preserve their teeny hands and feet and this was the perfect opportunity too get on that before the time passes. WHAT YOU NEED: Square piece of wood Sheet of paper Pencil Hammer… Read More String Art Hand Print

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Our Homeschooling Journey

Whenever someone asks me about homeschooling my daughter I always struggle with providing an adequate answer. I can’t give them our daily routine or the curriculum we use—we dont use them. I can’t explain what “grade” she’s in. It is difficult to explain an entire lifestyle in but a few words. I find that  a… Read More Our Homeschooling Journey

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